“The Works of Robert Burns”收纳了一切纪念彭斯的事物。沉浸在他字句的海洋,或者发掘他鲜为人知的生平吧。
Make the most of your Burns Supper with this free iPhone and Android app from Scotland.org. You'll be able to find more than 550 poems and love songs, complete with a useful glossary of terms to help get your tongue around the Scots words.
Impress your friends by reciting famous classics including:
To a Mouse ( the best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men…)
To a Louse ( to see oursels as ithers see us!…)
Auld Lang Syne ( should auld acquaintance be forgot …)
A Mans a Man for ‘a that ( will brothers be for a’ that)
My Luve is like a red, red rose ( till a’ the seas gang dry…)
Plus a full guide on how to host an authentic Burns Supper including:
Read about Robert Burns' life with a biography and visual timeline of the life of the celebrated Bard.